Natura Cerbo Drops 25ml


SKU: 6009611480403 Category:


This Homoeopathic Medicine Assists In The Treatment Of Mild Anxiety, Nervousness, Exams Stress, Poor Concentration, Mental Fatigue, Stuttering And Other Symptoms Of Stress Including Edginess And Fear, Poor Memory And Hyperactive Behaviour.


Acidum Picricum D10, Atropa Belladonna (Belladonna) Spag D3, Atropinum Sulfuricum D6, Banisteriopsis Caapi (Banjage) Spag D60, Gelsemium Sempervirens Spag D4, Kalium Phosphoricum D10, Veratrum Viride D10, Zincum Metallicum D30, Preservative: 20% Ethanol;